The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks

How Brands Create Authentic Engagement by Understanding What Motivates Us
By Joe Federer
# 15min reading time / 20min listening time
About the Summary

Why do people act differently in various online spaces, and what do they seek from participating in each one? In The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks, author Joe Federer draws on evolutionary biology, anthropology, neuroanatomy, psychology, and extensive hands-on experience to answer these questions. Fascinating and deeply compelling, The Hidden Psychology of Social Networks will help you to make more efficient use of your media buys, establish more thoughtful strategies, develop better creative material, and deliver more effective marketing.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • How to create content that drives sharing and word of mouth.
  • How brands can fit into different types of social channels.
  • Strategies and lessons for building a social strategy.
  • Inspiring stories of companies balancing social presence across network.
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