Trampled by Unicorns

Big Tech's Empathy Problem and How to Fix It
By Maelle Gavet
# 15min reading time / 20min listening time
About the Summary

Trampled by Unicorns explores how technology has advanced humanity’s most noble pursuits, while grappling with the origins of the industry’s destructive empathy deficit. Author and leading technology executive Maëlle Gavet argues that the causes and consequences of Big Tech’s failures originate from four main sources: the Valley’s cultural insularity, the hyper-growth business model, the sector’s stunning lack of diversity, and a dangerous self-sustaining ecosystem. Yet, the book is not just an account of how an industry came off the rails, but also a passionate call to action on how to get it back on track.

In This Summary, You Will Learn:

  • Why Big Tech is at a crossroads and what is at stake.
  • How culture bubbles and venture capital contribute to Big Tech’s failures.
  • Strategies to help CEOs and their companies be more empathetic.
  • How everyone, from corporate boards to individual people, can make change in Big Tech.
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